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Psychological Wellbeing and Safety in a Global Context: A Rapid Evidence Assessment (Oct 2020)
This rapid evidence assessment established key factors that impact on mental health across five sectors responsible for critical social and economic infrastructure – maritime/energy; construction; engineering; food and digital. Structural factors in the organization of workplaces and safety practices impact upon the psychological wellbeing of employees and are in turn affected by the emotional and behavioral consequences and diminished psychological wellbeing.
The Impact of COVID-19 on Psychological Wellbeing in Occupational Contexts (June 2022)
This report reviews and analyses how the wellbeing agenda has changed in relation to safety issues during the pandemic and what the future prospects are in this area. This was achieved by interviewing
thought leaders and expert practitioners and reviewing published industry reports and emerging research
literature. Whilst this report covers multiple sectors, maritime is a particular focus because of the ways
this sector exemplifies the complexity and challenges around wellbeing in unique and powerful ways.
Seafarers’ Psychological Wellbeing: A Rapid Evidence Assessment (Aug 2022)
This report describes a Rapid Evidence Assessment conducted to identify the core literature around seafarer wellbeing. The psychological wellbeing of seafarers is a longstanding concern within the maritime sector. Whilst practices aimed at addressing physical safety are well established, there is a lack of shared understanding around how psychological wellbeing is best conceptualised and the kinds of interventions which might be most effectively developed and scaled up within the sector. The apparent absence of an overarching framework in which to approach psychological wellbeing in relation to safety is an obstacle to identifying the ‘active ingredients’ around which interventions may be designed.