
Recent Publications

Ho, D. & Shipton, H.  (2019). High performance work systems and innovation in Vietnamese Small Firms.  International Small Business Journal. 37 (7) 732-753

King, D. and Griffin, M., 2019. Nonprofits as schools for democracy: the justifications for organizational democracy within nonprofit organizations. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly. ISSN 0899-7640

Land, C. and King, D., 2014. Organizing otherwise: translating anarchism in a voluntary sector organization. Ephemera: Theory & Politics in Organisation, 14 (4), pp. 923-950. ISSN 1473-2866

Sanders, K., Jørgensen, F., Shipton, H., Van Rossenberg, Y.,  Cuna, R., Li, X., Rodriques, R., Wong, S-I, Dysvik, A.  (2018). ‘Performance-based rewards and innovative behavior: Do HR strength and national culture matter?’ Human Resource Management, 57 (6): 1455- 1468

Lin, V., Sanders, K., Sun, J., Shipton, H. & Mooi, E. (2018). ‘HRM and Innovation: The Mediating Role of Market-Sensing Capability and the Moderating Role of National Power Distance.’ International Journal of Human Resource Management.  DOI: 10.1080/09585192.2018.1474938

Bednall, T., Rafferty, A., Shipton, H., Sanders, K. & Jackson, C. (2018).  ‘Innovative Behaviour: How Much Transformational Leadership Do You Need?’  British Journal of Management.  29: 796–816

Other Publications

Blomback A, Carlisle Y, Gaudes A., Hommel U, Internationalisation’4.0’ (2018) EFMD Global Focus. Issue 2, Vol 12, p6-9.

Hay A. and Samra-Fredericks, D., 2018. Bringing the heart and soul back in: collaborative inquiry and the DBA. Academy of Management Learning & Education.

King, D. and Land, C., 2018. The democratic rejection of democracy: Performative failure and the limits of critical performativity in an organizational change projectHuman Relations, p.0018726717751841.

Mutch, A ‘Practice, substance and history: reframing institutional logics’, Academy of Management Review, 43(2), 2017, 242-258

Delmonico, D., Jabbour, C.J.C., Pereira, S.C.F., De Sousa Jabbour, A.B.L., Renwick, D.W.S. and Thomé, A.M.T., 2018. Unveiling barriers to sustainable public procurement in emerging economies: evidence from a leading sustainable supply chain initiative in Latin America. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 134, pp. 70-79. ISSN 0921-3449