What does good work look like? What are the barriers to producing good work? Insight from the East Midlands.
Key Note Speaker: Matthew Taylor (Chief Executive, Royal Society of Arts)
Tuesday, 18th September 2018, 9.30am – 4pm.
Nottingham Conference Centre.
Drawing on leading researchers from NTU’s Centre of People, Work, and Organisational Practice and beyond, we present concrete examples of how universities and researchers, in synchrony with policy bodies and organisations, address the ‘good work’ challenge. In light of this discussion, we offer you the opportunity to reflect on what ‘good’ work looks like in your own context.
The workshop will be of interest to policy makers, practitioners and researchers interested in promoting good quality work in the areas of work, employment and Human Resource Management.
It promises to be an exciting, informative and unique event.
What you will gain:
- Insight into the latest thinking on the nature of good work within Nottingham and beyond, and the steps taken by policy bodies and others to address the job quality gap
- Informed understanding of the determinants and outcomes of good work and engaged employees, with reference to cutting-edge practice across sectors within the Nottingham area.
- Discussion and benchmarking about the good work challenge across sectors
- Networking and future planning on ‘Good Work and Engaging Employees